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For the Co-operative and Solidarity Economy in Ireland

Toward Co-operative Commonwealth: Transition in a Perilous Century

Registration is now open for the 5th edition of the Synergia Institute's online course Toward Co-operative Commonwealth: Transition in a Perilous Century.

SolidNetwork are delighted to announce that we are partnering with Synergia and will host a dedicated Irish community of practice (study/action circle). Together between January and June, we will follow the 7 course modules and meet regularly online to share learning, to reflect on examples and experiences in the Irish context, and to explore possibilities for movement building.

Toward Co-operative Commonwealth draws on democratic and cooperative solutions from around the world, and presents a synthesis and vision for systems change that is grounded in practical examples. The course is a great opportunity to take a deep dive, to learn from the experience and struggles of others, and to take inspiration from the many solutions that put people and planet first.

The group will be facilitated by SolidNetwork member, Dr. Kevin Flanagan, an artist and anthropologist who recently received his doctorate from Maynooth University and specializes in commons, co-operatives, solidarity economy and social movements. If you have any questions you can contact

The course starts January 29, you can register here.

  1. Framing the Journey: Capitalism, Planetary Limits and the Making of New Commons.

  2. Stewarding Land and Resources for the Common Good.

  3. Towards Ecologically Resilient and Just Food Systems.

  4. Forging Pathways to Energy Democracy and Just Transition.

  5. Precarious Livelihoods: Pathways from Precarity to Solidarity.

  6. Broadening and Democratizing Care: From Welfare State to Partner State to Earthcare.

  7. Democratizing Money and Finance for the Great Transition.


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